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Public Interest Tech Reading List

Public Interest Tech Reading List

A compiled list of reading resources that can be assigned in classes.

Member Institution

Stanford University

Resource Summary

Explore online articles, videos, and reports that can be integrated into public interest tech coursework.

Knight Foundation. “Assessing Civic Tech: Case Studies and Resources for Tracking Outcomes,” no. March (2015).

Manzini, Ezio, and Eduardo Staszowski, eds. Public and Collaborative: Exploring the Intersection of Design, Social Innovation, and Public Policy.” DESIS Network: New York, New York, 2013. 

Camacho, Maria. “Christian Bason: Design for Public Service.” She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation 2, no. 3 (2016): 256–68. 


Implementing innovation in the government

Lu, Y., 2016. “Code Cracking: Why Is It So Hard to Make a Website for the Government?” New York Times.  

Bason, C., 2013. “Design-Led Innovation in Government.” Stanford Social Innovation Review, pp.15–18. 

OECD, 2017. Fostering Innovation in the Public Sector.” 

Junginger, S., 2013. “Design and Innovation in the Public Sector: Matters of Design in Policy-Making and Policy Implementation.” Annual Review of Policy Design, 1(1), pp.1–11.  

Terrey, Nina. “Managing by Design: A Case Study of the Australian Tax Office.”

Lisbon Council. “Delivering Public Service for the Future.” 2014.

McQuillan, Dan. “Could prototyping be the new policy?” The Guardian. 2012.

Drezner, Jeffrey A., and Meilinda Huang. “On Prototyping: Lessons from RAND Research.” RAND. 2009.

Eskelinen, Jarmo, Ana García Robles, Ilari Lindy, Jesse Marsh, and Arturo Muente-Kunigami. “Citizen-Driven Innovation: A Guidebook for City Mayors and Public Administrators.” World Bank and European Network of Living Labs. 2015.  

Chapman, Peter,  Sandra Elena, and Surya Khanna, “Opening justice: Access to justice, open judiciaries, and legal empowerment through the Open Government Partnership.”  Open Government Partnership. 2018.

Bursfield, Evan and J.D. Harrison, Regulatory Hacking,” Portfolio / Penguin: New York. 2018. Section 2 (The Foundations of Regulatory Hacking), p 117—72.


Justice + Technology tools for improving people’s access to legal rights

Rosenberg, T., 2016. “Legal Aid With a Digital Twist.” The New York Times.

Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System, 2017. Court Compass: Mapping the Future of User Access Through Technology,” Denver. 

Farley, S., 2018. “Legal tech is opening the system to those who need legal representation the most.” TechCrunch tech tools for tenants.

MADE self-help for eviction in Boston.

Arizona Eviction Self Help. (Arizona Bar Foundation and Daniel Bernal of Stanford University)

RePresent online simulation game for SRLs. (Northeastern University School of Law)

Dear Landlord and Hello Landlord – for tenants to write about problems (Australia and Arizona/Utah).

Papi-Thornton, Daniela. “Tackling Heropreneurship.” Stanford Social Innovation Review 15 (2016): 4–7.

McCann, Laurenellen. “Building Technology With, Not For Communities : An Engagement Guide for Civic Tech.” Organizer Sandbox, 2015. 

Stanford Legal Design Lab. “Short Book: Ethical Design Engagement with Your Community.” 2018.

IDEO, 2015. The Little Book of Design Research Ethics.”