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2024 Data and Democracy Workshops

Data & Democracy Workshops

Data driven, location based decision making for increasing voter participation

Brought to you by PIT-UN Member San José State University and the Spatial Analytics and Visualization Institute (SAVI)

In today’s data-driven world, Geographic Information Science and Technology (GIST) is a vital tool for fostering voter turnout and strengthening democracy. The Data & Democracy Workshop Series, taking place August 2024, is designed to empower election officials, policy professionals, and researchers to undertake data-driven projects that bolster free and fair elections. Participants will explore how Python, R and open source GIST skills can unlock the power of data analysis and visualization in the design and administration of elections, defending democracy come November 2024 and beyond.

This workshop series is presented in collaboration with the Spatial Analytics and Visualization Institute (SAVI), an official SJSU Campus Institute in the California State University system. SAVI faculty who are programming Data & Democracy workshop series have extensive experience in design and delivery of effective educational curricula. Together, PIT-UN and SAVI aim to foster a broad and inclusive discussion on the role of GIST in defending democracy, transcending political boundaries for a collective impact.

2024 Data & Democracy Workshops

Virtual Workshop Schedule

Each three-hour workshop features a  short lecture on conceptual and theoretical knowledge, followed by a lab session and an exercise. Plus, graduates can participate in GIS Day at San José State in November, 2024.

Voting Series paintings by Myra Eastman 

Opportunity to Present Final Projects

Participants who complete the series will have the opportunity to present final projects at a special event in November, 2024 at San José State University.

SAVI’s annual GIS Day is a comprehensive gathering that includes an expert panel, a student poster competition, a GIS technologies demo, and the unveiling of new advances. Registration opens in early August. 

GIS Day 2023